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Our Services

Our Servuces

“We're start up CPA Practice. We aim to provide affordable professional services. We grow with all our customers.”

Our Goal and Promises

Gabriel Fung
Founder of Gabriel Fung Certified Public Accountant


IT Consulting
& Services

We are a professional corporation committed to providing the highest quality services to our clients. Our goal is to provide proactive assistance and consultation while enriching the development of our staff and community by supporting and participating in civic and community activities.

Save 15% for setting up a company incorporated in Hong Kong.  Our charge  include all government fee ...節省成立香港公司費用高達15%我們的收費包括所有政府費用


Limited company is obliged to filing audited financial statements to IRD if sustains profit... 


Auditing and Tax Services

Sales Audit, Certified True Copy, Land Search, Company Search, Application of Certificate of No Criminal Conviction of target person

土地註冊查冊 (( 押記查冊))、汽車登記查冊、對指定人士申請無犯罪紀錄證明書等服務。

Other Services
Hong Kong/ PRC Legal Advice

We have solicitors and barrisers from Hong Kong and PRC to provide you affordable legal services.


Copyright protect authors from unauthorized use of their literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, other intellectual works.

Patent protect inventors from pirated use of their inventions. We can help you to register copyright / patent and trademark

版權保護作者免於未經授權使用他們的文學,戲劇,音樂,藝術和其他智力作品。 專利保護技術/ 產品發明人免受其發明的盜版使用。


Trademark/ Patent 

We have designers and professional marketers to help to market your products and improve company's image.


We can help from designing logo, trademark, making pamphlet, posters to launching marketing plans e.g.​ Ads, Video Film Production, etc, and price is affordable



Marketing Service

Ready to find out more?


No matter you only want reliable Accounting and auditing services, or incorporate your company in Hong Kong with reasonable price, call us right now!


 Address. Flat B, 15/F., Park Belvedere, Ma On Shan, Shatin, N.T.

Tel. (852) 9559 3102

© 2018 Gabriel Fung, Certified public accountants

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